
CASTING ALERT! "Two Doors Down"

"Two Doors Down" created by Louie Cowan & Scott Summitt

Two Doors Down" is a comedy project done in the improvisational style of Curb Your Enthusiasm, Ten Items or Less and the movies of Christopher Guest. The series of 4 x 15 minute episodes will be created as a broadcast TV pilot and/or webseries situation comedy.

Click on this link for a character breakdown and more details:

AUDITIONS: FRIDAY May 2, 2008 2008 3pm - 6pm - SATURDAY May 3rd 2008 1pm - 5pm and SATURDAY May 10th 2008 1pm - 5pm

LOCATION: Heyman Talent Agency - 1216 S. High Street, Columbus, OH

CONCEPT: Kevin Stone and Jennifer Harris are two divorced parents, who compete, in their own starkly different styles, for the love of their shared child, Daniel. When Daniel gets a position in a good school, Kevin and his young girlfriend move into Jennifer's trendy liberal neighborhood, finding a house just two doors down from where she lives with her new husband. Their different ideas about parenting cause all kinds of friction between them as they are forced to work together in raising their son. Who knows what lengths people will go to when the one who drives you crazy lives only two doors down.